Learn Go Interfaces Through Real-World Scenarios: A Step-by-Step Guide


4 min read

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As a Go developer, understanding interfaces is crucial for writing clean, scalable, and maintainable code. Interfaces in Go provide a way to define the behavior of an object, allowing you to write more generic and flexible code. In this article, we'll dive into the concept of interfaces in Go and how they facilitate dependency inversion, enabling clean architecture. We'll walk through practical examples, demonstrating how interfaces work in real-world scenarios.

What are Interfaces in Go?

In Go, an interface is a type that specifies a set of method signatures. Any type that implements these methods is said to satisfy the interface. This feature allows you to define a contract for your types without worrying about their specific implementations.

For example, let's define a simple paymenter interface:

type paymenter interface {
    pay(amount float32)
    refund(amount float32, account string)

This interface defines two methods: pay and refund. Any type that implements these methods can be considered a paymenter.

Implementing Interfaces

Let's implement this interface using different payment gateways. This will help us understand how interfaces allow us to switch between various implementations seamlessly.

type razorpay struct{}

func (r razorpay) pay(amount float32) {
    fmt.Println("Making payment using Razorpay:", amount)

func (r razorpay) refund(amount float32, account string) {
    fmt.Println("Refunding", amount, "to account", account, "using Razorpay")

The razorpay type satisfies the paymenter interface by implementing both pay and refund methods. Now, let's add another payment gateway, paypal.

type paypal struct{}

func (p paypal) pay(amount float32) {
    fmt.Println("Making payment using PayPal:", amount)

func (p paypal) refund(amount float32, account string) {
    fmt.Println("Refunding", amount, "to account", account, "using PayPal")

Similarly, paypal also implements the paymenter interface.

Using Interfaces to Achieve Dependency Inversion

One of the key principles of clean architecture is dependency inversion, which suggests that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Instead, both should depend on abstractions. Interfaces in Go help us achieve this by allowing high-level modules to depend on interface types rather than concrete implementations.

Consider the following payment struct that uses a paymenter interface:

type payment struct {
    gateway paymenter

func (p payment) makePayment(amount float32) {

The payment struct depends on the paymenter interface rather than a specific payment gateway. This allows you to switch between different payment gateways without modifying the payment struct.

Real-World Example: Switching Payment Gateways

Let's see how easy it is to switch between different payment gateways using our payment struct:

func main() {
    // Switching between different payment gateways
    paypalGw := paypal{}
    newPayment := payment{
        gateway: paypalGw,


Making payment using PayPal: 200

In this example, we used the paypal gateway to make a payment. If we want to switch to razorpay, we can do so easily:

func main() {
    razorpayGw := razorpay{}
    newPayment := payment{
        gateway: razorpayGw,


Making payment using Razorpay: 200

As you can see, the payment struct remains unchanged, and we can switch between different payment gateways by simply changing the gateway field.

Testing with Fake Implementations

One of the major advantages of using interfaces is the ease of testing. You can create fake implementations of your interfaces to simulate different scenarios without relying on actual third-party services.

type fakepayment struct{}

func (f fakepayment) pay(amount float32) {
    fmt.Println("Making payment using fake gateway for testing purposes")

func main() {
    fakeGw := fakepayment{}
    newPayment := payment{
        gateway: fakeGw,


Making payment using fake gateway for testing purposes

Using the fakepayment implementation, you can test your code without needing access to actual payment gateways, making your tests faster and more reliable.


Interfaces in Go are a powerful tool that allows developers to write more flexible and maintainable code. By defining behavior contracts, interfaces enable you to swap implementations effortlessly, adhere to clean architecture principles, and create more testable code. In this article, we've explored how to implement and use interfaces in Go, with practical examples that demonstrate their utility in real-world applications.

Whether you're integrating multiple payment gateways or designing complex systems, mastering interfaces in Go will undoubtedly make your code more robust and adaptable to change.